Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Primary memory

Primary memory: - It is also called the main memory or the central memory. This memory is attached on the motherboard. There are two types of primary memory:-
  a) ROM (Read Only Memory):-It is permanently in built into the computer at the time of its production. It stores a set of instruction and instructs the computer how to work. The user cannot change these instructions. ROM is non-volatile, that is, when computer goes off the instruction is not lost.
  b) RAM (Random Access Memory): - It is short-term memory of volatile memory. That is, when the computer is switched ON, the memory, which available to use is RAM, but when the computer is switched OFF, all the information disappears. RAM is temporary whereas ROM is permanent memory. It is read/write, memory i.e. user can either write on to this memory or read from it.

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